The bow hunter education safety certificate cannot be used to purchase a hunting license in Michigan. Individuals must complete a Michigan hunter education course (traditional or field day) to purchase a hunting license in Michigan.
The main purpose of the bow hunter education course is to build upon the basic hunter education course concentrating on safe and responsible bow hunting. Topics include bow hunting techniques, archery equipment, tree stand safety, ethics, and laws and regulations.
The main purpose of the bow hunter education course is to build upon the basic hunter education course concentrating on safe and responsible bow hunting. Topics include bow hunting techniques, archery equipment, tree stand safety, ethics, and laws and regulations.
Additional Information
Bow hunter education is an optional course offered to hunters to continue their education above and beyond the required Michigan hunter education course. Bow hunter education is not required in Michigan; however, it is required in other states and this certification may satisfy other states requirements. Michigan’s bow hunter education course is taught by a dedicated core of certified volunteer instructors and Michigan conservation officers.
About the Class:
About the Class:
- In person, traditional classroom setting including hands on training
- Minimum of 10 hours over a minimum of two days
- Written test (80% or better to pass) and practice assessment (pass/fail)
- Maximum $10 fee
- No minimum age requirement; however, students under 10 years of age shall be accompanied by a parent, legal guardian or other adult approved by parent or legal guardian.

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